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Uncover the Science of Leadership and Learn to Inspire Every Day

INSPIRE reveals the science of being inspiring, illustrating how all of us—regardless of status or background—can motivate and elevate others. Social psychologist Adam Galinsky explores the qualities that make leaders, and all of us, inspiring rather than infuriating, presenting research-based insights and actionable advice.


About the Book

An engaging and rigorous exploration of the science of being inspiring, offering compelling stories, fascinating research, and practical tips for addressing the common problems and dilemmas we face every day—showing how all of us, regardless of status or circumstance, can be more inspiring more of the time in our lives.

There are two kinds of leaders that populate the world: those who inspire, and those who infuriate. Inspiring leaders elevate, motivate, and guide us to become a better version of ourselves. Infuriating leaders, conversely, cause frustration and resentment instead of agreement and action. Together, inspiring and infuriating leaders represent a universal continuum that is rooted in the very architecture of the human brain. But inspiring leaders aren’t born. Instead, we inspire or infuriate in any given moment through our behavior, words, and presence.

Social psychologist and leadership expert Adam Galinsky has spent his career building a quantifiable method of determining who is inspiring versus who is infuriating, and where various leaders—presidents, CEOs, coaches, teachers, parents, and a wealth of others—currently land. In this captivating book, Galinsky identifies the three universal characteristics of truly inspiring leaders:

  • Visionaries offer a big-picture, optimistic, and accessible vision of the future
  • Exemplars are courageous and calm protectors, expressing authentic passion, while remaining consistent in word and deed
  • Mentors encourage, empower, and challenge others

Drawing on decades of scientific studies and global consulting experiences, Galinsky presents an elegant yet profound approach to building leadership skills that anyone can use to fuel motivation, innovation, and cooperation. For current and aspiring leaders alike, Inspire is an invaluable guide to becoming not only a leader but an effective decision maker, a wise problem-solver, a value-creating negotiator, a fair allocator, and an inclusive and ethical guide.

Praise For INSPIRE

Adam Grant

#1 New York Times bestselling author of Hidden Potential and Think Again and host of the TED podcast Re:Thinking

An engaging read on what it takes for leaders to elevate others. Galinsky, an influential social psychologist, fills INSPIRE with memorable stories, striking studies, and useful advice.

INSPIRE is the best book on leadership I’ve read in many years—a masterful blend of intellectual rigor and practical wisdom. Galinsky’s insights will help anyone become an exceptional leader and everyone become a better person.

Dan Pink Head Shot
Daniel H. Pink

 #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Power of Regret, To Sell is Human, and Drive

Angela Duckworth Headshot
Angela Duckworth

New York Times Bestselling Author of Grit

Drawing from his groundbreaking scholarship, Galinsky reverse engineers the core skills of inspirational leadership, showing how even the most infuriating of leaders can learn to elevate the people around them.

Amy Edmondson headshot
Amy C. Edmondson

Harvard Business School

Chock full of actionable insight, Adam Galinsky’s delightful new book lives up to my very high expectations. INSPIRE uncovers the infuriating traps we all fall prey to—and how to recognize and overcome them for better results at work and in life.

A captivating journey into the science of inspiration—and how we can inspire others. Through compelling stories, fascinating research, and practical tips, Galinsky reveals a profound approach to drawing out everyone’s best.

Charles Duhigg headshot
Charles Duhigg

New York Times bestselling author of The Power of Habit

Are You Inspiring?

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About the Author

Adam Galinsky

Adam Galinsky is the Paul Calello Professor of Leadership and Ethics at Columbia Business School. A world-renowned expert in leadership and negotiation, he co-authored the bestseller Friend & Foe and has published over 200 scientific works. His TED Talk, How to Speak Up for Yourself, has over 7.7 million views, solidifying his influence on assertiveness and inspiration. Adam has advised Fortune 100 companies, non-profits, and governments, combining research-backed insights with practical strategies to unlock leadership potential.

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